2014 Monthly Financial Planning Tips September

2014 Financial Planning Tips September

By Cathy DeWitt Dunn

September Financial Planning Tip: Get Organized!

Keeping all of your financial paperwork in one place can help you stay on track with your financial goals. If possible, move your documents into an online system, or keep a file with tabs for bank statements, retirement paperwork and credit reports. Remember to keep important documents like birth and marriage certificates and social security cards in their own separate file.

See the entire list of Financial Planning Tips for 2014

We are here to help
Of course, budgeting, financial planning, and retirement planning should be much more than a “New Year’s Resolution”, it should be a way of life. If you are serious about securing the financial future of you and your family, we are here to help. To schedule an appointment, please call us at 866-904-4700 today!


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